Friday, March 27, 2009

A school by any other name would be much less gay

What's in a name? If you are a crazy-ass religious fundamentalist, the answer is "A lot." Westboro Baptist Church, the Kansas congregation that believes that the deaths of US soldiers are God's punishment for a nation tolerant of gays (and I'm sure many in the GLBT community would only tepidly agree that the US is tolerant of homosexuality), is set to protest against a Maryland high school- open since 1962 - that is named after famed US poet Walt Whitman, who may have been gay.

The church argues that the name of the public school, "says A LOT about Maryland," and that the students who attend the high school "are taught Rebellion Against God 101 every day in every way." This actually sounds like a pretty sweet class (click here for link).

In other news, the church is thanking God for the impending floods in North Dakota, saying that the floods are a direct result of a North Dakota law barring the Westboro Baptist parishioners from protesting within 300 feet of a funeral (click here for link).

Just so you can see for yourself how crazy these people are, here is the homepage for the church.